The Pagan roots of Christmas - Yule and Saturnalia

Survive the Jive Podcast

The Pagan roots of Christmas - Yule and Saturnalia

Thomas Rowsell


2020. 12. 05.



This is a guest episode from the History Bro YouTube channel. I appeared as a guest on his podcast where we discussed the pagan midwinter festivals of Europe which all influenced our modern Xmas in different ways. The most important are the Roman festival of Saturnalia and the Germanic festival of Yule which became known as Jol or Jul in Scandinavia. Learn how gods like Odin, Freyr, Sol Invictus and others have each played a part in the complicated but fascinating history of Christmas. History Bro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEwYhrka7Je0ZASriyDWmyQ The Spirit of Yule book: https://shop.smiletitans.com/product/the-spirit-of-yule This podcast depends on your support: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/survivethejive Other links: https://linktr.ee/SurvivetheJive

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