Jive Book Review - The Mythology of the British Isles by Geoffrey Ashe

Survive the Jive Podcast

Jive Book Review - The Mythology of the British Isles by Geoffrey Ashe

Thomas Rowsell


2020. 05. 29.



The British Isles draw their rich mythological heritage from Brythonic, Gaelic, Anglo-Saxon and Norse sources yet all have been filtered through the much more recent and severely distorting lens of medieval Christian chroniclers. People like Geoffrey of Monmouth invented their own additions to many historical and legendary stories which persist to this day. This means the mythology derives more from scholarship than folklore. Geoffrey Ashe did a good job of sorting fact from fiction while compiling all these myths in his book. This podcast depends on your support: Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/survivethejive Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/survivethejive Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.com/survive-the... Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/survivethejive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SurviveTheJive Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurvivetheJive

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