S01E08 - The Destruction of the Renos

Stories of the Pinkertons

S01E08 - The Destruction of the Renos

Stories of the Pinkertons


2024. 02. 10.



The story narrates the notorious exploits of the Reno gang, the first and most daring train robbers in the United States. Comprising four brothers and others, they committed crimes in Missouri and Indiana after the Civil War. The Renos engaged in train robberies, escalating to a national scale in 1866. The gang's influence extended into local politics, making convictions challenging. Allan Pinkerton's detective work led to the arrest of John Reno, weakening the gang temporarily. However, the Renos continued their criminal activities until a secret vigilance committee took matters into its own hands, administering justice to the outlaws. The remaining Renos faced arrests, and the story concludes with a mysterious lynching in New Albany, marking the end of the notorious gang.

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